Practicing in the 21st Century
Recorded On: 02/07/2024
- Non-member - $10
- Member - Free!
- Student Member - Free!

The Student-Teacher Committee is excited to present our 2024 CRCW student webinar "Practicing in the 21st Century"! Join Bethan Williams and Alex Lederer as they share their experiences practicing in school and as new professionals. You will learn how to make and keep a practice routine as well as different techniques for practice so you will be able to jump over those speed hurdles. If you're tired of failing tests, our presenters will share their strategies for success and motivation to keep going.
Free for NCRA Members - $10 for Non-members. Total CEU: 0.0

Alex M. Lederer, RPR
Alex Morgan Lederer is a certified freelance reporter who has worked in both New York and Florida. He started working during COVID-19 via Zoom depositions as opposed to other reporters who entered the field and immediately took in-person jobs. He is currently working towards achieving his RMR and CRR certifications. He has worked in courtrooms, doctors' offices, lawyers' offices, and the comfort of his own home. He looks forward to discussing the insights he achieved from entering into the field this way, which have now become the norm for new reporters.

Bethan Williams
Williams Court Reporting
Bethan graduated CareerLuv in March of 2023 having obtained the RSR and WA CCR certification. She lives and works mostly remotely in Washington State.
Bethan is finishing up her RPR certification and her next goal is to obtain a California CSR license.

Amie First, RDR, CRR, CRC, CPE
Amie First is a federal official court reporter in Orlando. Prior to that, she was a captioner and freelance reporter. She is Chair of the Student-Teacher Committee and member of the Test Advisory Committee. She practices every day for the 100-Day Challenge practice group. Amie loves all things steno, her silly French Bulldogs, and a long motorcycle ride along the beach with her husband Shane.