Don't Make Us Say We Told You So: Grassroots and Advocacy in State Courts

Recorded On: 07/23/2022


In 2021, the Supreme Court of Nebraska began to institute many changes affecting stenographic court reporters and the integrity of the record, thus making it much easier to have a courtroom recorder and an outside transcriptionist prepare the record. GASP! With the help of some friends in the legal community, the official court reporters organized and made our presence known by addressing the misconceptions of court reporting and why the stenographic method is the gold standard. And we aren't done yet. This session is about what steps were taken and will be taken with the bench, the bar, and the legislature to protect the integrity of stenography and the record.  Total CEU: 0.1. Product will expire 30 days from registration.

Stephanie Allison

Stefanie Allison has been a stenographic court reporter for 23 years; 9 years freelancing and the remainder as an official in District Court in the Omaha, Nebraska metro area.  She currently serves on the board of the Nebraska Court Reporters Association as the official member at large.  


Video - Make Us Say We Told You So: Grassroots and Advocacy in State Courts
Recorded 07/23/2022  |  60 minutes
Recorded 07/23/2022  |  60 minutes This video should not be viewed on a mobile device. Video screen must be forefront screen. Minimizing the video or viewing from a mobile device will result in a miscalculation of the required minutes to complete this webinar.
QUIZ - Don't Make Us Say We Told You So: Grassroots and Advocacy in State Courts
2 Questions  |  2 attempts  |  100/100 points to pass
2 Questions  |  2 attempts  |  100/100 points to pass To receive 0.1 Credit, you must answer both questions correctly. If you do not pass, you will have one more attempt. If both attempts are unsuccessful, you may purchase a quiz retake for $10. You may only purchase one quiz retake. *After passing the quiz, do not forget to view/print your certificate to gain your CEU credit.
Webinar Survey
5 Questions
Certificate - Don't Make Us Say We Told You So: Grassroots and Advocacy in State Courts
0.100 CEU credits  |  Certificate available
0.100 CEU credits  |  Certificate available You must click on "VIEW/PRINT YOUR CERTIFICATE" in order for the credit to be posted to your NCRA transcript.