Burnout, Secondary and Vicarious Trauma for Court Staff

Burnout, Secondary and Vicarious Trauma for Court Staff


Free webinar for NCRA members - 

This session will introduce or reinforce what secondary and vicarious trauma are, what they look like, and how they contribute to burnout, diminished wellness, and impaired professional capacity.  We will also discuss both well-known and not so well known “wellness” strategies that can make things better.  Finally, this will all be discussed in the context of the “Syndemic Times” we are living in.  

Total CEU: 0.0

Brought to you by the National Court Reporters Foundation


Timothy Grove

Tim Grove, MSSW, is a senior consultant at Wellpoint Care Network (formerly SaintA), a human services agency whose mission it is to facilitate equity, learning, healing and wellness for all. He
has over 25 years of professional experience in a variety of direct care, administrative and executive positions.

Tim created, developed and lead Wellpoint’s Trauma Informed Care (TIC) initiatives. He created a TIC training curriculum centered around the Seven Essential Ingredients, or 7ei, of understanding and practicing TIC. Tim and the training team at Wellpoint have used the 7ei framework to train more than 60,000 people from diverse disciplines over the past 15 years. Tim is an Affiliate of the Institute for Child and Family Well-being. He is a Mentor with Dr. Bruce Perry’s Neuroseqential Network and a Master Trainer in Dr. Rob Anda and Laura Porter’s ACE Interface curriculum. Tim and the Wellpoint team’s work has been highlighted and published in a number of magazines, journals and newspapers. He was the lead project manager of a threeyear research study on the effectiveness of 7ei in child welfare outcomes which demonstrated positive effect on creating placement stability and permanency for kids. Tim is recognized nationally as a trauma informed care expert and was interviewed by Oprah Winfrey for a 60 Minutes segment on trauma and resilience.


Burnout, Secondary and Vicarious Trauma
Select the "View On-Demand Recording" button to begin.  |  58 minutes
Select the "View On-Demand Recording" button to begin.  |  58 minutes
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Certificate - Burnout, Secondary and Vicarious Trauma for Court Staff
No credits available  |  Certificate available
No credits available  |  Certificate available