Certified Realtime Captioner (CRC) Certification Education


Prove you're on the cutting edge. Become a Certified Realtime Captioner and take advantage of the growing number of opportunities becoming available to realtime captioners. As one of the top national programs that certifies your ability in realtime captioning, attaining the CRC designation commands instant respect and the immediate attention of potential employers. Total CEU 1.05. This product expires 70 days from registration.

The CRC Handbook and supplementary materials are found under the HANDOUTS tab after purchase.  Please be sure to download or print for future reference.  

Jennifer Schuck

Deanna Baker

DEANNA P. BAKER, RMR, Realtime Captioner/Consultant. Deanna Baker graduated from the American Institute of Commerce, Bettendorf, Iowa, in 1981. She reported as an official and freelance reporter in the Quad City area until 1983 when she moved to Seattle. While in Washington state, she was an official for four years, owned her own freelance agency and worked with Larsen & Smith Court Reporters, as well as held offices within the Washington Shorthand Reporters Association, including President from 1992-1993.In 1992 Deanna founded Captioning Northwest, Inc., which provided realtime and captioning services, working with large corporations and universities providing captioning services as well as realtime in the classroom.In 1994 Deanna moved to Tucson and began work at the University of Arizona working with deaf and hard of hearing students, as well as continuing her freelance captioning work. In January of 1996, Deanna began captioning the Tucson City Council Meetings. Shortly thereafter, Deanna began captioning national and international programming for a variety of news, sports, educational and corporate programming across the country. Deanna was appointed to the Tucson Commission on Disability Issues in 1999. In June of 2000 she was elected to the Board of Trustees of Self Help for Hard of Hearing, Inc. She is currently chair of the NCRA Captioning Task Force.Currently, Deanna is a freelance realtime captioner/consultant.

Karyn Menck

Stacey Potenza


Mod 1: Captioning 101 - Generic overview and terminology Video
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Mod 2: Transitioning from Legal Reporting: A Day in the Life of a Certified Captioner Video
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Mod 3: Creating your own Unabridged Dictionary Video
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Mod 4: What's the story? Insights on Prepping - How Truly Accurate is Your Writing Video
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Practice Video for Module 4
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Mod 5: Preparing for an Assignment Video
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Mod 6: Organizing the Home Office Video
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Mod 7: Your Visual Display and Audio Solutions Video
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Mod 8: CART Captioning Venues Near and Far Video
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Mod 9: Professional Standards, Ethics and Guidelines Video
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Webinar Survey
5 Questions
Certificate -Certified Realtime Captioner (CRC) Certification Education
1.050 CEU Credit credits  |  Certificate available
1.050 CEU Credit credits  |  Certificate available You must click on "VIEW/PRINT YOUR CERTIFICATE" in order for the credit to be posted to your NCRA transcript.