CRI Module 4 - Assessment - Fall 2024
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Jennifer Sati, RMR, CRR, CRC, CRI
Anoka Technical College
Jennifer Sati, RMR, CRR, CRC, CRI, has been a court reporter since 1985. She is from Dayton, Minn., and is a broadcast captioner and program director of the Judicial Reporting/Broadcast Captioning Program at Anoka Technical College in Anoka, Minn. Sati has worked professionally in the freelance, broadcast/CART captioning, and official fields for the past 30 years. She is credited with creating the Anoka Technical College’s court reporting and broadcast captioning program from the bottom up and has served on the Higher Learning Commission committee for the college’s accreditation.
At the national level, Sati has served on the NCRA Board of Directors, as well as the Association’s NCRA A to Z®, Test Advisory, and Contests Committees. She has also served on NCRA’s Certified Reporting Instructor Task Force, and as Chair of the Council on Approved Student Education (CASE). She was named the 2023 CASE Educator of the Year
At the state level, Sati holds membership in the Minnesota Association of Verbatim Reporters & Captioners and actively promotes the stenographic court reporting and broadcast captioning fields by working to organize state conventions, serving on various committees, including the organization’s Veterans History Project and Court Reporting and Captioning Awareness committees.

Upon completion of this module, participants will learn the wide variety of methods or tools that educators use to evaluate, measure, and document the learning progress and skill acquisition of students.