How to Submit a COPE Complaint
Recorded On: 06/08/2022
- Member - Free!
- Student Member - Free!
Free webinar for NCRA members - We will walk you through the formal procedures necessary when filing an ethics complaint to the Committee on Professional Ethics. Whether your complaint is against an NCRA member or an advertiser, you will walk away knowing how to find and apply the information needed to ensure your complaint is submitted following the necessary guidelines to reach COPE for an evaluation and determination.
Total CEU 0.0
If you are a member and encounter difficulty with registering, please email learningcenter@ncra.org for assistance.

Danielle Copeland
Dannielle has been a freelance reporter for almost 15 years. She has served on the boards of her state associations in Wisconsin and Kentucky, and currently serves on the Test Advisory Committee and Committee on Professional Ethics through NCRA. She says the professional growth through association volunteerism is uniquely irreplaceable in itself, but the professional and personal relationships you forge are the real treasure.