Is Your Video Ready for Presentation in the Courtroom?
Recorded On: 07/31/2021
- Non-member - $79
- Member - $55
- Student Member - $20

Robert Butcher, CLVS
Robert Butcher is a 10-year Legal Video and Trial Presentation Veteran and owner of Professional Legal Video. As the Chief Operations Officer, Robert cultivates his passion for the process by providing top quality services in litigation support from discovery through trial. Utilizing the latest equipment and software, Robert and the PLV team offer innovation and cutting-edge services to the legal community.
Robert holds degrees and certificates in Legal Video, Trial Presentation, Graphic Design, Video Production, Web Design, and is a Part 107UAV Drone Pilot. An admitted serial student, Robert continues to enrich his knowledge through online education and certificate education courses, continually striving to deliver his clients the best.
Robert, originally form Minneapolis, Minnesota, is a long time Colorado transplant. Happily married to the lovely Julie Butcher and proud father of 4 children and 4 grandchildren. Outside of the workplace he finds his joy spending time with his family in the outdoors boating, hiking, skiing, paddle boarding and fishing.

David Jenkins, CLVS
David Jenkins started his business, Certified Legal Video Specialists LTD, in 2018 in Minneapolis, Minn. His business focus is on video depositions, courtroom playback with audio visual support and digital trial tools, video conferencing/streaming, and "picture in picture" recording. His small group also provides complex video editing services, produces "day in the life" videos, still photography of personal injury scars, and deformities focusing on details of hard to image scars. As a FAA and MNDOT certified drone pilot he also images auto crash scenes, building fire and roof damage, bridge collapse, etc. His video career started in the 1990s after being a still photographer for many years. The primary focus was on corporate video production and depositions. After accepting a position with UNFI in communications in 2009 he continued with the company for nearly 20 years. After leaving UNFI, Jenkins started Certified Legal Video Specialists in 2018. He became NCRA certified in 2018 and joined the CLVS Council shortly after that. He is very excited to see growth in the business and is using this time during the pandemic to work on marketing and website creation.