Making Practice a Priority

Making Practice a Priority

Recorded On: 11/08/2023


Students, are you telling yourself,  "I just don't have time for practice?"  Well ... make time to attend this excuse-busting webinar!  Our panel will give you practical time management guidance for daily steno practice.  (Like you, these new professionals are also practicing for certification testing.)  Do you feel overwhelmed trying to be perfect at everything all at once:  briefs, speed, and accuracy?  We will discuss daily practice techniques from theory to 225 that will fit in the limited hours of each day.   Topics will include unplugging strategies, using practice groups, and managing it all with work and family obligations. We will also tackle strategies for using a daily planner.

Free for NCRA Members - $10 for Non-members. Total CEU: 0.0

Bethany Morse

Bethany Morse is a March 2022 graduate of the Mark Kislingbury Academy of Court Reporting and the first-place winner of the National Court Reporters Foundation 2022 New Professional Reporter Grant. Within her first year of working, she took over 140 depositions and produced over 12,000 pages of transcripts. She has her RSR and Washington CCR and has goals of achieving further certifications through daily practice and focused time management. Prior to finding her true calling and passion in stenography, Bethany obtained a bachelor’s degree in oboe performance and master’s degree in architectural history. She was born and raised in Wyoming and Colorado, but she currently resides in Charleston, South Carolina, with her goldendoodle, Margeaux.

Chris DeGrazio

Chris DeGrazio is a freelance court reporter in his fourth year of reporting. Living in Fort Pierce, Florida, Chris serves on three committees for NCRA, facilitates the 90-Day Testing Challenge, serves as Vice President of PR for StenoMasters, and is involved with Steno Pride.

Amanda Doherty

Amanda Doherty is a freelance reporter in Minneapolis, Minnesota.  She graduated from Anoka Technical College in 2021.  Before finding stenography, Amanda was a high school biology teacher for eight years.  She has a bachelor’s degree in biology and psychology and a master’s degree in teaching.  She received a scholarship to play the flute as an undergrad and also plays piano for fun.  While in court reporting school, she got married, bought a new house, and had a baby.  Amanda now has two children:  Finn, who is two; and Nora, who is five months.  Amanda has learned how to prioritize the things that mean the most to her and manage her time as efficiently as possible in order to be a successful freelance reporter and the best mother she can be for her kids!

Amie First, RDR, CRR, CRC, CPE

Amie First is a federal official court reporter in Orlando.  Prior to that, she was a captioner and freelance reporter.  She is Chair of the Student-Teacher Committee and member of the Test Advisory Committee.  She practices every day for the 100-Day Challenge practice group.  Amie loves all things steno, her silly French Bulldogs, and a long motorcycle ride along the beach with her husband Shane. 


Video - Making Practice a Priority
Recorded 11/08/2023  |  60 minutes
Recorded 11/08/2023  |  60 minutes The video screen must remain your foremost screen in order for the minutes viewed to be counted correctly. Minimizing the screen will result in having to rewatch the video in order to complete this component and have the quiz and certificate available.
Webinar Survey
5 Questions
Certificate - Making Practice a Priority
0.000 CEU credits  |  Certificate available
0.000 CEU credits  |  Certificate available You must click on "VIEW/PRINT YOUR CERTIFICATE" in order for the credit to be posted to your NCRA transcript.