Steno, Social Media, and Self-Care
Recorded On: 07/29/2023
- Non-member - $79
- Member - $55
- Student Member - $20

Spreading steno on social media has proven to be an effective way of spreading awareness and shining a light on the national stenographer shortage. In this session, you will learn different ways to promote steno on social media, how to brand yourself, and how to take care of yourself physically and mentally while spending time on social media. Total CEU 0.1.
Product will expire 30 days from registration.
The PowerPoint used for this presentation should be downloaded from the handouts tab to follow along with the presenter.
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Denee Vadell, RPR
Denee Vadell has been a professional court reporter and realtime captioner for almost 10 years. She graduated from Stenotech Institute in Fairfield, N.J., in 2012, and her first job out of school was providing CART. She provided CART for college classes, HBO, and the National Action Network before pursuing a captioning career at VITAC where she captioned for a variety of television networks including CNN, QVC, and MSNBC, to name a few. After captioning for VITAC, Vadell began her career as an official at Bronx Criminal Court in New York, in 2018. She is a consummate professional with a strong commitment to promoting the profession and inspiring others to enroll in court reporting school. In another effort to bring awareness to her profession, Vadell created StenoFluencer during the pandemic to tell her steno story and promote steno. StenoFluencer means "Living a Life of Purpose & Service."