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  • NEW!
    Contains 4 Component(s), Includes Credits Includes a Live Web Event on 11/20/2024 at 1:00 PM (EST)

    Live webinar on November 20, 2024, at 1:00 pm Eastern time. Dive into the captivating history of American shorthand machines, from Bartholomew's Stenograph to Stenograph's pre-computer models. We'll explore innovations that fueled the rise of shorthand machines, look at some fascinating alternative keyboard layouts, and gain a deeper appreciation for the foundation our modern machines are built upon. This webinar will be recorded for those unable to attend live. Total CEU 0.125.


    Live webinar on November 20, 2024, at 1:00 pm Eastern time. Dive into the captivating history of American shorthand machines, from Bartholomew's Stenograph to Stenograph's pre-computer models. We'll explore innovations that fueled the rise of shorthand machines, look at some fascinating alternative keyboard layouts, and gain a deeper appreciation for the foundation our modern machines are built upon.

    This webinar will be recorded for those unable to attend live. Total CEU 0.125.

    Kathryn Dittmeier, CRI

    Kathryn Dittmeier, CRI, has worked as an educator in the court reporting field for over 30 years.  Her passion for stenotype history was ignited while working for Stenograph as an Education Program Manager in the early 90s.  She had the opportunity to attend various conventions with Robert Wright, past president of Stenograph, who told her stories of the early days of the company and the development of the machines.  In the mid-90s she acquired her first machine, a 1911 Stenotype designed by Ward Stone Ireland.  Collecting of machines and information began in earnest after that.  While working as a Stenograph Training Agent on Long Island, New York, she met Dominick Tursi, founder of the Gallery of Shorthand.  A life-long friendship was established and she assisted with patent research and data acquisition for the museum.  Kathryn established The Stenotype Collectors Club group on Facebook and invites anyone interested in stenotype history to join.
  • Contains 2 Component(s) Includes a Live Web Event on 10/08/2024 at 8:00 PM (EDT)

    NCRA President, Executive Director, and Chair of the Nominating Committee discuss serving on the NCRA Board of Directors. This webinar will cover who is eligible, how directors are selected, and the duties and responsibilities of the board members. Total CEU: 0.0


    Join the NCRA President, Executive Director, and Chair of the Nominating Committee as they discuss serving on the NCRA Board of Directors. This webinar will cover who is eligible, how directors are selected, the duties and responsibilities of board members, and much more. Total CEU: 0.0

  • NEW!
    Contains 4 Component(s), Includes Credits Includes a Live Web Event on 09/25/2024 at 2:00 PM (EDT)

    Live webinar on September 25, 2024, at 2:00 pm Eastern. You are your internet's keeper! Ban buffering and stay connected with tips, tools, and techniques to improve and reinforce your internet connection for remote proceedings--no matter where you are. The webinar will be recorded for those unable to attend live. Total CEU 0.10.


    Live webinar on September 25, 2024, at 2:00 pm Eastern. You are your internet's keeper! Ban buffering and stay connected with tips, tools, and techniques to improve and reinforce your internet connection for remote proceedings--no matter where you are. 

    The webinar will be recorded for those unable to attend live. Total CEU 0.10.

    Hector Cordova

    Hector Cordova helps you make your technology work for you. Hector lives at the intersection of art and technology, highlighted by his diverse work experiences such as his years at Apple and his years coaching performers all the way to Broadway.

    Hector brings his unique blend of technological prowess and performing arts expertise to his professional life as Managing Director for Alitigate, a legal media and tech firm based in Orlando, Florida. Between leading Alitigate to success, filming hundreds of videos and presenting in hundreds of trials each year for some of the nation’s largest firms, Hector serves on two NCRA committees: the CLVS Council, and the Technology Committee.

  • Upcoming Live webinar
    Contains 4 Component(s), Includes Credits Includes a Live Web Event on 09/11/2024 at 7:00 PM (EDT)

    Live webinar on September 11 at 7:00 PM Eastern. Join our webinar to kick-start your journey with Power BI, Microsoft’s powerful business analytics tool! In this session, learn how to import and organize your data into impactful reports. Attendees will learn how to create various types of visualizations, such as charts, graphs, maps, and tables, using Power BI's intuitive drag-and-drop interface. You will also learn how to integrate and share your data in Microsoft apps you use daily: Teams, Excel, PowerPoint, and Outlook. Don't miss out on this opportunity to dive into the exciting world of data analytics!Total CEU 0.125.


    Live webinar on September 11 at 7:00 PM Eastern. Join our webinar to kick-start your journey with Power BI, Microsoft’s powerful business analytics tool! In this session, learn how to import and organize your data into impactful reports. Attendees will learn how to create various types of visualizations, such as charts, graphs, maps, and tables, using Power BI's intuitive drag-and-drop interface. You will also learn how to integrate and share your data in Microsoft apps you use daily: Teams, Excel, PowerPoint, and Outlook. Don't miss out on this opportunity to dive into the exciting world of data analytics!

    Total CEU 0.125.

    This webinar will be recorded for those unable to attend live.

    Kenya Herring

    IT Specialist A+, Google IT Support, AWS Cloud Practitioner, AWS Solutions Architect - Associate

    Kenya Herring was born and raised in the DMV metropolitan area. At an early age, she showed an affinity for technology that developed into an acuity for computer science and mathematics. Throughout her years growing up, her parents would enroll her in STEM summer camps that exposed young adults to technologies, such as computer programming and robotics. Being exposed to technology at an early age inspired Kenya to pursue a career in information technology. Additionally, the lack of minority characters playing the more techie-driven character inspired her to be the diversity that she wanted to see within the industry.

    In December of 2019, Kenya graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Computer Technology with a concentration in System Administration from Bowie State University. She pursued her degree with partial funding through scholarships with her largest amount coming from the popular database management company, Oracle.

    Currently, Kenya works as an IT Specialist at an IT consulting firm in downtown Washington, D.C. Her current project entails administering and maintaining web systems in the AWS cloud for the D.C. Health Information Exchange.

  • Contains 1 Product(s)

    The Certified Reporting Instructor (CRI) program for teachers of court reporting encourages excellence in the educational programs that prepare tomorrow’s court reporters. Become a Certified Reporting Instructor and take advantage of the growing opportunities available to teach court reporting. Total CEU 0.1. Product will expire 60 days from start of class.


    What is the CRI?

    The Certified Reporting Instructor (CRI) program for teachers of court reporting encourages excellence in the educational programs that prepare tomorrow’s court reporters.  Become a Certified Reporting Instructor and take advantage of the growing opportunities available to teach court reporting. The Certified Reporting Instructor education is an online program required for all CRI candidates. This program will expand your level of knowledge for becoming a more effective realtime reporting instructor. You must pass with a score of 80 or better.

    In the five-weeks of online interactive instruction, you will have an opportunity to:

          -learn about successful teaching methods and communication with students

          -gain insight into the learning process and development of a court reporting course

          -interact through demonstration of classroom management

    After successful completion of the CRI Education, you are granted a completion certificate. 

    For complete information on all requirements to earn the Certified Reporting Instructor (CRI) certification, visit the CRI webpage

    Class Dates: September 25-October 29, 2024.

    Price:     Member $489.99 

                  Nonmember $565.99

     Textbook ($89.99) is included in the registration price

    Total CEU 1.0 Product will expire 60 days from the start of class.


    Jen Krueger, PhD, RMR, CRI, CPE, FAPR

    Jen Krueger began her career in the court report­ing field in 1977. Following her graduation from a court reporting program in Cleveland, Ohio, she worked as a freelance reporter and attained the nationally recognized professional certification of Registered Merit Reporter (RMR). In 1989, Krueger began to teach part-time at Cuyahoga Community College’s (Tri-C’s) court reporting pro­gram. Discovering how much she loved teaching and working with students, she went on to earn a bachelor’s degree in adult education from Empire State College, Sarasota Springs, New York; a master’s degree in curriculum and technology from Grand Canyon University, in Pheonix, Arizona; and a Ph.D. in instructional design from Capella University, in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

    Dr. Krueger has been recognized professionally numerous times, having received awards from the Sloan Consortium, an exemplary online course award from Blackboard, the Martin-Fincun Award from the Ohio Court Reporters Association, and NCRA’s CASE Educator of the Year award. She served as chair and co-chair of NCRA’s Teachers Community of Interest for many years, has presented at several of the Association’s conferences, and has written numerous articles for the JCR magazine.



    Kelly R. Moranz, BS, CRI

    Kelly Moranz is an associate professor at Cuyahoga Community College (Tri-C) in Parma, Ohio within the Captioning and Court Reporting Program. She holds the nationally recognized professional certification of Certified Reporter Instructor (CRI) and has been in the court report­ing field since 1985. Moranz is also a graduate of Tri-C. She has worked in multiple freelance firms in a variety of roles and became involved in education in 2006 as a part-time faculty member at Tri-C. Moranz has been instrumental in developing courses and curriculum, recruiting, and expanding the program. She also facilitates a mentorship program that has been recognized by Tri-C for its unique approach in supporting students. Additionally, she holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Adult Education.

    Moranz was awarded the Ralph M. Besse Excellence in Teaching Award in 2015 by Tri-C and received the inaugural JCR Award for Leadership and Team-building for schools in 2016. In 2016, she was also named NCRA’s Educator of the Year and presented with the CASE Award of Excellence. NCRA’s CASE (Council on Approved Student Education) Award of Excellence recog­nizes the important role student education plays in the court reporting profession and honors educators for their dedication and outstanding achievement and leadership.


    Jennifer Sati, RMR, CRR, CRC, CRI

    Jennifer Sati, RMR, CRR, CRC, CRI, has been a court reporter since 1985. She is from Dayton, Minn., and is a broadcast captioner and program director of the Judicial Reporting/Broadcast Captioning Program at Anoka Technical College in Anoka, Minn. Sati has worked professionally in the freelance, broadcast/CART captioning, and official fields for the past 30 years. She is credited with creating the Anoka Technical College’s court reporting and broadcast captioning program from the bottom up and has served on the Higher Learning Commission committee for the college’s accreditation.

    At the national level, Sati has served on the NCRA Board of Directors, as well as the Association’s NCRA A to Z®, Test Advisory, and Contests Com­mittees. She has also served on NCRA’s Certified Reporting Instructor Task Force, and as Chair of the Council on Approved Student Education (CASE). She was named the 2023 CASE Educator of the Year

    At the state level, Sati holds membership in the Minnesota Association of Verbatim Reporters & Captioners and actively promotes the steno­graphic court reporting and broadcast captioning fields by working to organize state conventions, serving on various committees, including the organization’s Veterans History Project and Court Reporting and Captioning Awareness committees.



    Len Sperling recently retired as the chair of the Captioning and Court Reporting program at the Northern Alberta Institute of Technology (NAIT) in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, and had been a faculty member for over 20 years. Before joining NAIT, he was a freelance reporter working mainly in the areas of pretrial and quasi-judicial proceedings. He has sat on numerous NCRA committees over the years and has presented at various conventions and workshops on court reporting education. He obtained an MBA in 2011.

  • NEW!
    Contains 4 Component(s), Includes Credits

    Live webinar on June 19, 2024, at 3:00 PM Eastern Time. Join April Chandler, RPR, CRC, to learn what behavior and communication norms are appropriate in the captioning setting, how to build a trusting relationship with their consumer, use of appropriate vocabulary regarding Deafness and Deaf Community norms, and understand ADA guidelines regarding communication access within Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act. This webinar will be recorded for those unable to attend live. Total CEU 0.125


    Live webinar on June 19, 2024, at 3:00 PM Eastern Time. Join April Chandler, RPR, CRC, to learn what behavior and communication norms are appropriate in the captioning setting, how to build a trusting relationship with their consumer, use of appropriate vocabulary regarding Deafness and Deaf Community norms, and understand ADA guidelines regarding communication access within Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act.  

    This webinar will be recorded for those unable to attend live. Total CEU 0.125

    April Chandler, RPR, CRC

    April Chandler, California CSR, Nevada CCR, CCRA CCG, NCRA RPR & CRC, began her court reporting career in 1991 working at the Sacramento County Courthouse and transitioned to captioning in 1995. She pioneered captioning programs for two universities and spearheaded the creation of the Captioner job classification for California State Universities through the Chancellor's Office. This provided benefits and pensions for captioners within the CSU system. One of her assignments took her to Russia for a month to provide live captioning. April has experience in the fast-paced world of broadcast captioning and currently captions board meetings, state and national governmental agencies, conventions and university classes. She has been on two court reporting school advisory boards. She is grateful for her chosen career, which provides her opportunities to learn new things daily. In turn, she has provided pro bono services in her community to charitable organizations.  Her lifelong passion is rescuing animals with an emphasis on senior dogs.

  • NEW!
    Contains 4 Component(s), Includes Credits

    Keeping your hands on the steno machine: An overview of on-the-fly dictionary commands and entries for CART/Broadcast Captioners. Join Rob Hemenway, RPR, CRC, and Denise Munguia, RDR, CRR, CRC, as they help you discover the possibilities of Realtime editing and Realtime dictionary building. Learn globals and power defines, replacing or deleting untranslates and mistranslates, speaker IDs, prefixes, suffixes, and stitches, capitalization job-defines, and keymode workarounds. Rob will demonstrate using Eclipse 10 and Denise will demonstrate using CaseCAT. Total CEU 0.10.


    Keeping your hands on the steno machine: An overview of on-the-fly dictionary commands and entries for CART/Broadcast Captioners. Join Rob Hemenway, RPR, CRC, and Denise Munguia, RDR, CRR, CRC, as they help you discover the possibilities of Realtime editing and Realtime dictionary building.  Learn globals and power defines, replacing or deleting untranslates and mistranslates, speaker IDs, prefixes, suffixes, and stitches, capitalization job-defines, and keymode workarounds.   Rob will demonstrate using Eclipse 10 and Denise will demonstrate using CaseCAT. Total CEU 0.10

    Rob Hemenway, CRC

    John Robert Hemenway, CRC, is the President of Caption Connection, LLC.  "Rob" is a Certified Realtime Captioner with the National Court Reporters Association who graduated from Denver Academy of Court Reporting in 2003.  His career started as a Freelance Reporter and a CART Provider.  After 10+ years as a CART Provider and Freelancer, Rob transitioned to work as a Realtime Broadcast Captioner for television.  For 9+ years, he worked as an employee for VITAC, covering everything from local and national Live News, Sports, including NFL, NBA, MLB, NHL, Golf, Horse Racing, Auto Racing, Winter Olympics, Summer Olympics, and a whole lot more.   In January of 2023, Rob started Caption Connection, LLC, and is continuing to provide excellent captions as a CART Captioner and Realtime Broadcast Captioner.  In the past year he has helped to train other writers to improve upon their realtime skills.  And he is a current member of the Captioning Committee and of the New Professionals Advisory Committee with the NCRA.

    Denise Munguía, RDR, CRR, CRC

    Denise Munguía is a Freelance Court Reporter with Munguia Court Reporting & Captioning, LLC who specializes in providing realtime in complex and technical litigation as well as CART Captioning in the education and business settings, Captioning for events, live theatre, and concerts. Denise is the 2021 recipient of the Ohio Court Reporters Association's Glenn W. Stiles, Jr. Distinguished Service Award and is a member of the National Court Reporters Association's Captioning Committee.

  • Just Added!
    Contains 4 Component(s), Includes Credits

    Join us for a transformative 75-minute webinar tailored specifically for court reporters seeking to enhance their Excel proficiency. In this session, Jackie Kiadii, Microsoft Certified Trainer and Microsoft Excel MVP will unveil a curated selection of Excel tips and tricks, focusing on areas most pertinent to your reporting needs. Discover innovative shortcuts to accelerate your routine tasks and master the art of efficient data entry. Learn how to swiftly navigate and select within spreadsheets, ensuring rapid access to crucial information. We'll also delve into the essentials of sorting and filtering data, a vital skill for managing files with ease. Additionally, the webinar will empower you to present data in a clear, professional format. This webinar is an unmissable opportunity for court reporters eager to streamline their workflow and leverage Excel's potential in their day-to-day reporting tasks.Total CEU 0.125.


     Join us for a transformative 75-minute webinar tailored specifically for court reporters seeking to enhance their Excel proficiency. In this session, Jackie Kiadii, Microsoft Certified Trainer and Microsoft Excel MVP will unveil a curated selection of Excel tips and tricks, focusing on areas most pertinent to your reporting needs. Discover innovative shortcuts to accelerate your routine tasks and master the art of efficient data entry. Learn how to swiftly navigate and select within spreadsheets, ensuring rapid access to crucial information. We'll also delve into the essentials of sorting and filtering data, a vital skill for managing files with ease. Additionally, the webinar will empower you to present data in a clear, professional format. This webinar is an unmissable opportunity for court reporters eager to streamline their workflow and leverage Excel's potential in their day-to-day reporting tasks.Total CEU 0.125.

    Jackie Kiadii, MCR, MOS Expert-Excel, Microsoft MVP

    Jackie Kiadii is a graduate of Georgia State University’s Computer Information Systems program. Since 2001, she has developed curriculum and training material and provided training in the following Microsoft 365 applications. Her specialties are Excel, Power Query, and Power BI. Ms. Kiadii has been a Microsoft MVP - Excel (Most Valuable Player) since December 2021. 

    Ms. Kiadii holds several certifications including:

    • Microsoft Certified Trainer
    • Microsoft Certified: Power BI Data Analyst Associate
    • Modern Classroom Certified Trainer
    • Microsoft Certified Office Master
    • Microsoft Certified Expert (Excel, Word)
    • Microsoft Certified Specialist (PowerPoint, Outlook)

     Organizations she has served include: City of Atlanta, Coca-Cola Company, Emory University, Department of Defense, and the Environmental Protection Agency.

  • Contains 3 Component(s)

    New for 2024: Mental Health Awareness Month free webinar for NCRA members! Have you ever purposely engaged in behavior that didn’t align with your goals or values? If so, there’s a good chance you know about self-sabotage, and you’re not alone. In this brief webinar, we will examine possible causes of self-sabotage, analyze self-sabotage in the workplace, and discuss tips for overcoming self-sabotage. Don’t let the ‘inner bully’ block your road to success. Join us as we decode self-sabotage. CEU: 0.0


    Free webinar for NCRA members - 

    Have you ever purposely engaged in behavior that didn’t align with your goals or values? If so, there’s a good chance you know about self-sabotage, and you’re not alone. In this brief webinar, we will examine possible causes of self-sabotage, analyze self-sabotage in the workplace, and discuss tips for overcoming self-sabotage. Don’t let the ‘inner bully’ block your road to success. Join us as we decode self-sabotage.  Total CEU: 0.0

    Brought to you by the National Court Reporters Foundation


    Christina Wilson, Ph.D.

    Chris holds a Ph.D. in conflict analysis and resolution and is a life coach, trainer, and writer. In addition, she teaches undergraduate sociology. As a conflict analyst and coach, she helps clients who are ready to change, grow, and achieve holistic wellbeing. She fully believes in her client’s ability to maximize their strengths and become the best version of themselves.

  • Contains 3 Component(s) Recorded On: 05/08/2024

    New for 2024: Mental Health Awareness Month free webinar for NCRA members! Winning from within! Each day, we should operate with one goal in mind- to become a better version of ourselves than we were the day before. Constantly striving for excellence positions us to tap into our full potential and achieve at high levels. We bring all of who we are to everything we do. Who and what are we bringing? This keynote speech will share the obstacles Dr. Ashlye overcame as she seeks to live a life of impact. First, beginning with mindset, and then, developing and honing her skillset, she has learned and embodied how to win from within. This presentation will outline key components that we all can use to achieve our goals, improve personal and professional performance, enhance our lives, strengthen our connections and relationships, and attain success on our own terms. CEU: 0.0


    Free webinar for NCRA members - 

    Winning from within! Each day, we should operate with one goal in mind- to become a better version of ourselves than we were the day before. Constantly striving for excellence positions us to tap into our full potential and achieve at high levels. We bring all of who we are to everything we do. Who and what are we bringing? This keynote speech will share the obstacles Dr. Ashlye overcame as she seeks to live a life of impact. First, beginning with mindset, and then, developing and honing her skillset, she has learned and embodied how to win from within. This presentation will outline key components that we all can use to achieve our goals, improve personal and professional performance, enhance our lives, strengthen our connections and relationships, and attain success on our own terms.

     Total CEU: 0.0

    Brought to you by the National Court Reporters Foundation


    Dr. Ashlye V. Wilkerson

    Dr. Ashlye V. Wilkerson is a dynamic speaker, leadership expert, and motivator. She is a community leader and advocate who fully embodies the spirit of excellence. Dr. Ashlye motivates, inspires, and empowers audiences to unlock their full potential and achieve at high levels. Her key topics include service excellence, personal and professional performance, success and motivated mindset, and leadership development. She speaks at conferences, churches, team building sessions, staff retreats, nonprofit board meetings, corporate training, churches, organizations, universities, and K-12 schools and districts.

    Dr. Ashlye earned a bachelor in psychology with a double minor in early childhood education and entrepreneurship from Winthrop University. She earned a master of art in teaching from Hampton University and a Ph.D. in teaching and learning from the University of South Carolina. She also attained two professional certifications in servant leadership and executive leadership from Cornell University. At the age of 29, Dr. Ashlye was appointed by the South Carolina General Assembly to the Board of Trustees for Winthrop University. During her term of service spanning over a decade, she is the youngest and only woman of color.

    Dr. Ashlye is the wife of L. Kobie Wilkerson, III and mother of Alana (9) and Ariah (7). She is the daughter of Anthony (deceased) and Fannie Geddis and Johnny Rumph. Ashlye is also passionately engaged in the legacy work of honoring her dad, Tony, who fought a two-year battle with stage four colon cancer. Her touching story of the encounter between her dad and a state trooper, Officer Doty, who prayed with him went viral and garnered over 7 million views on her LinkedIn platform. She was featured on CNN, FOX News, and in news articles and segments across the country as an example of inspiration, compassion, and humanity. 

    Dr. Ashlye is a community leader who is actively involved in the Gamma Nu Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated, the Columbia Chapter of Jack & Jill of America, Incorporated, the Columbia Chapter of The Links, Incorporated, the National Association of University Women, and the Junior League of Columbia. She also served as a charter member for the Main Street Rotary Club and continues to volunteer with numerous nonprofit and charitable organizations, including one she started in 2007, The Magic of Learning Foundation.